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man to man defense
In this series, Coach Marcus Thompson from Our Lady of the Lake University teaches the fundamentals of man to man defense. We start on the wing and then move up to the top of the key. The second series is about defending on a ball screen. A defender will go over the top, work with the big on a soft or hard hedge or go under the screen. There are specific fundamentals for doing each of those well. The last set of videos is about closing out on a shooter and why a defender uses specific techniques depending on who he is guarding.

404-Man to Man Defensive Techniques-Marcus Thompson
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Defending at the top of the key

405-Man to Man Defense Guarding at the Top of the Key-Marcus Thompson
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Guarding the ball screen

406-Man to Man Defense - Ball Screen Guarding -Marcus Thompson
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closing out on a shooter

407-Man to Man Defense - Close Outs - Marcus Thompson
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